Adam Lambert in Bottom Three loves Adam Lambert. He's perhaps the most talented individual to ever appear on the American Idol competition. But we've also warned "Don't assume he's going to win".
Lambert is not your typical American Idol contestant and that was proven Wednesday night after Adam found himself among the bottom three. He delivered yet another stellar performance Tuesday evening.
The top two were none other than Allison Iraheta at +1400 odds for a payout potential of $14 for every $1 bet and Danny Gokey at +400 odds for a payout potential of $4 for every $1 bet at
"The betting value this American Idol season is incredible," observes Payton O'Brien. "In our opinion, those who are voting for other contestants are less likely to vote for Adam and more likely to go with someone else. If you're not an Adam Lambert fan early on, chances are you won't be this late in the competition."
The judges all looked a bit stunned when Lambert was placed with the remaining bottom three, which included Matt Giraud and Kris Allen.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher