Australian News
Sydney Casino Brawl Results in 20 Arrests
Police were called to Star City at Pyrmont early this morning after reports of a fight between two groups.
James Packer Could Still Prove a Savior to Las Vegas
JAMES PACKER will be reviewing Las Vegas gaming revenue for the second time in five months, though he might be disturbed by what he sees.
Crown Casino Won’t be Taking Stake in Las Vegas Project
Australia's Crown Casino has denied media reports that it plans to take a stake in the troubled City Center development in Las Vegas.
Australian Communications Director Stephen Conroy Under Fire
The row over Australian Communication Director Stephen Conroy's remarks against Internet Service Provider iiNet continued through the weekend with extensive press coverage.
Aussie Gambling Reforms Close to Collapse
THE revolutionary reform of Victoria's $5-billion-a-year gambling industry, which would end Tatts and Tabcorp's duopoly control of pokies by handing ownership to venues, is on the brink of collapse
Australia’ Crown Casino and James Packer on the Upswing
Greg Tingle of Media Man Enterprises in Australia reports on positive news circulating around Australian gambling magnate James Packer and his Crown Casino ven
Australia’s Communication Minister Senator Stephen Conroy Worst Ever
Australian Communications Minister and Senator Stephen Conroy has continued to make waves as his crusade to filter out the Internet from the evils of porn, online poker, religion, YouTube links and
Gambling News: Maine Looks to Amend Gambling Device Statutes
Following the controversies involving Kentucky and its attempts to seize some 141 online gambling domain names, the state of Maine has apparently embarked on changing its gambling device statutes.
Conroy Backtracks on Internet Censorship Policy
The Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy has been clarifying more details on his Internet censorship policy.
Internet Filtering Continues to be Hot Topic in Australia
The coverage related to Internet filtering in Australia continues to be a hot topic. A report aired just the other night with some 377 plus people commenting on what was transpiring. As has been reporting, the Australian government, led by Communications Director Stephen Conroy, has been working to filter some 2000 plus websites they claim were "indecent" but as it turns out, a number of those sites were related to online poker, religion and politics.
One individual wrote:
Australians Are The Biggest Gamblers In The World
A report out of Canada paints Australians as the biggest gambling degenerates in the world. The report, obtained exclusively by The Sunday Telegraph, shows Australian and New Zealand gamblers sp
Australian Website Blacklist Entries Blamed on Russian Mob
News began leaking out over the past several days of websites appearing as part of a 2000 plus "blacklist" aimed at blocking out child pornography and beastiality: Among them, online poke
Australia Blacklist May Cost Election
The controversy continues regarding Australia's leaked list of blacklisted websites which included, among others, the legal gambling enterprise, Betfair, as well as some online poker portals.
"We didn't know [about the ban]," said Betfair CEO Andrew Twaits. "We've been licensed to operate in Australia for three years and have never received a complaint or any allegation that Betfair locally or globally is not allowed usage by Australians. The global Betfair site is used by Australians every day."
Gambling News Down Under: Australia Website Blacklist Debacle
Evidence is mounting that the list of websites published by Wikileaks is almost certainly ACMA's "secret" blacklist.
Australian Gambling News: Tasmania Wants to Force Breaks on Gamblers
The Tasmanian government wants to reduced the number of people addicted to pokie machines by forcing them to take breaks.
Naked Russell Brand May be Banned….In Australia
Posing naked in front of his window, the News of the World proclaimed: "LOOKY looky! Here's Russell Brand showing off his prize assets in Australia."
Betfair Banned: CEO Outraged
Following leakage of an Australian "Ban List", Betfair CEO Andrew Twaits expressed outraged with government officials. Twaits was unaware that his company's website had been blacklisted
Australia Banning Online Poker Sites
In a leaked report obtained by the website, it was revealed that Australia's list of 2395 "banned website" stretched well beyond the realm of child pornography and "how
200 Banned Sites Dropped From Sex and Drugs Blacklist
200 banned websites were dropped from the Federal Government's internet "sex and drugs" blacklist in the last three months - but we're still not allowed to know what they were.
Paroled Murderer Kills Again After Blowing Money Gambling
A paroled murderer in Australia killed again, this time a 78-year old woman. The motive: He blew his grocery money on the pokies, court documents heard.
Gambling News: Atlantic City Hit Hard By Recession, Sands Exec Quits
Gambling news is not good for Atlantic City. Once considered "recession proof", this latest bust to the national economy has proven that not to be the case.
Leaked Documents Reveal Dire Plight of Intralot's Lotto Agents
Hundreds of documents show that between the end of September last and January, 204 of the company's 769 agents - who each paid between $8000 and $10,000 for their licences - lost money each week se
Australia Gambling News: Reports on Playtech, Tabcorp, Bodog
Our man on the scene in Australia reports that business is booming and everyone wants in on the burgeoning online gambling industry. Even with news that certain politicians are trying to block th
James Packer Scraps Cannery Casino Resorts Crown Casino Deal
Australian billionaire James Packer has a $1.75 billion takeover of Cannery Casino Resorts LLC and sold his Australian cattle ranches to Guy Hands U.K. buyout company, Terra Firma Capital Partners Ltd. Packer's Crown Casino enterprise, Australia's biggest, rose 13.5 percent on the news. Had the deal gone through, Packer would have obtained three Nevada casinos and a racetrack near Pittsburgh.
The 41 year old Packer's fortune shrank to half this past year according to Forbes Magazine. Crown lost 56 percent of its value and the Las Vegas casinos are not faring that much better.
My Thoughts on Casino Mogul James Packer
Media Man, Greg Tingle, has provided with a few thoughts related to Australian casino maestro James Packer. Mr.
Australia Online Gambling News: Gaming Minister Asleep at the Wheel?
A series of photographs seem to show Australia's Gaming and Racing Minister, Kevin Greene, taking a nap during a Parliament question period.
Former Billabong CEO Matthew Perrin Racked Up $1.7 Mil Gambling Debts
Billabong Chief Executive, Matthew Perrin, has left a trail of $28.2 million in unpaid bills to 20 unsecured creditors, according to a bankruptcy filing this week.
The lawyer-turned Web entrepreneur reported racked up over $1.7 million in gambling debts according to The Sydney Morning Herald. His debts include those to Centrebet boss, Con Kafataris ($300,000) and a Flemington bookie, Frank Hudson ($160,000).
Perrin has been in financial distress before, according to the Herald. Ultimately he paid back his debts.
Centrebet Loses Out on International All Sports Deal
Australian privately owned wagering shop Sportsbet has taken a 12.3 percent stake in International All Sports, thus effectively knocking out Centrebet International Ltd.
James Packer, Crown Casino Help With Australia Fires
Media Man Greg Tingle (pictured with the Salvation Army) reports that James Packer and his Crown Casino have teamed up with the Salvation Army in an effort to help those affected by the Australian
Foster Care Mums Using Money for Gambling
The Australian on Friday reports that foster carers are taking in abused money in order to collect tax free allowances. A good portion of those funds are being spent at local pubs for the purpose