Adam Lambert Still The Favorite to Win American Idol

Despite ending up among the bottom two during last week's American Idol, Adam Lambert remained the favorite to win this season at and he still came with a high price tag. One would have to bet $2.50 to win $1.00 (you get your $2.50 back plus the $1.00 should he win).
"It's a tough call," says Payton O'Brien of "This week proved that American might not be ready for someone as edgy as Adam Lambert. We've been saying all along that as each contestant gets knocked out, their followers are less likely to jump on the Adam Lambert bandwagon."
Remaining Idols like Danny Gokey, Kris Allen and Allison Iraheta may be viewed as "more appealing" to the typical American Idol viewer.
"Adam Lambert is still a phenom and probably the best Idol to ever step foot on the show, but can middle American relate to him is the question?"
The main barrier getting in the way of Lambert winning the competition: He may be "too gay".
Celebrity Apprentice finalist Annie Duke has suggested this could be the case even though she herself is a huge fan. So too has Lynn Crosby of the Globe and Mail. She had this to say:
"Lambert is in the top four, and this week, we shall see if he passes through toward the final stretch. Last week, he was in the bottom three of five, leaving the media and fans shocked and dismayed. A typical bulletin board posting asks whether Lambert's sexuality is at fault (he is gay or bisexual, as it goes). One online journalist, in the actionable manner of The Daily Mirror's 1956 summation of the "luminous, quivering, giggling" Liberace, wondered if the "flamboyant" singer ruined his chances last week by "sashaying" around, with so much "showmanship" (all straight-code for: "He acted gay"). Lambert wore a white suit and slicked back his hair. This modern, body-modified Elvis Presley sang, in his three-octave range and with palpable soul, Feeling Good. As one fan noted, bluntly, he was ‘soooooooo sexy. Seriously, every woman in the audience was having an orgasm.'"
Allison Iraheta would pay out $120 for every $10 bet as would Kris Allen. Danny Gokey would pay out $20 for every $10 bet at
Jordan Bach,