Inside PokerStars – A Look at the Inner Workings of the World’s Largest Poker Site

Written by:
Ace King
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Inside PokerStars – A Look at the Inner Workings of the World’s Largest Poker Si has introduced a new series entitled “Inside Poker Stars” where we actually get a glimpse of the inner workings of the world’s largest online poker site.

The site services a total of 63 million registered users, the vast majority of whom play for real money, though the site also offers a free-to-play platform.

The company has also dealt more than 110 billion hands since it first came online a day that will forever live in infamy – September 11, 2011.

In this installment, European Poker Tour presenter James Hartigan speaks to Eric Hollreiser, Head of Corporate Communications about the history of the company, how its working ethos of putting the player first made it the world number one and where the future of PokerStars lies.

- Ace King,
