California Amends its Online Poker Bill

Written by:
Ace King
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California Amends its Online Poker Bill

The state of California has further amended its online poker bill as a means of appeasing the powerful Tribal casinos.


An initial version of the bill would have required Tribes to waive their sovereignty rights as a requirement for obtaining a license.

Applicants must be in “good standing” with the California Gambling Control Commission (CGCC) for three years but will be able to establish partnership agreements.

Europe’s last month entered into such an arrangement with California’s United Auburn Indian Community to offer its online poker in the state.  Further amendments included the removal of a provision that would have allowed online casino games to be phased in after a two-year period.

SB1463 is co-sponsors Sen. Darrell Steinberg and Sen. Roderick Wright and will be introduced before a Senate Committee on June 12.

- Ace King,
