Americas Cardroom New Software Upgrade Rave Reviews: Beast Gets No Love

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Nagesh Rath
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Americas Cardroom New Software Upgrade Rave Reviews: Beast Gets No Love

Americas Cardroom’s unveiling of their new software upgrade has been met with mostly a positive response from customers.

"We've been working really hard on our latest update and we're excited by everything that's included," stated Americas Cardroom spokesperson Michael Harris. "In speaking with our players over the years at all the land-based events we attend, like the Punta Cana Poker Classic and the LSOP, we've listened to their feedback and are responding with an update that fulfills virtually every request we've received."

Players will notice a completely redesigned poker experience. Navigation is smoother and easier. Text and content within the poker client is improved for easier understanding. And the entire experience has been rejigged to help players get in the game faster.

Posting on the forum, “NoKlue1234” writes:

To me the feel (not functionality) if this software is right up there

Nostalgia3182 chimed in:

Very, very nice new overlays and graphics. I'm just starting to tinker with it now but this is a really nice surprise this week. Great work, WPN!

Lighthand writes:

I like the software update! Well well done. Keep up the work and I'll keep up the action on the site!

Alas, a favorite, The Beast, seems to be getting little love amidst news of the big software update.

Some posters like Tr1ponMyBluf say “Down With The Beast”:

I just don't get the business model behind The Beast.

It's really bad for casual players - the one's who don't withdraw. Isn't this what sites need to be profitable? Casual players not to get chewed up so fast?

All of the other networks have gone out of their way in every way imaginable to protect casual players from regs.

It doesn't make sense.

- Nagesh Rath,
