Wayne Allyn Root to Appear on Various News Outlets

Las Vegas, NV-Tuesday June 23, 2009--Libertarian 2008 Vice Presidential candidate Wayne Allyn Root appeared on "Cavuto" with host Neil Cavuto on FOX Business Network on Monday afternoon. That was the first of 4 FOX appearances this week for Root. He will be in New York on Wednesday live in-studio with Judge Andrew Napolitano on Freedom Watch at 2 PM EST; then live in-studio on The Glenn Beck Program at 5 PM EST on Wednesday. Then Thursday Root will appear live in studio with Neil Cavuto on "Your World."
Saturday Root will also host his Saturday radio show, "W.A.R: The Wayne Allyn Root Show" from Salem Radio's Manhattan studios. His guests this week will include nationally-known political strategist and author of 6 New York Times Best-sellers Dick Morris and one of America's greatest direct marketing gurus and author of 6 books, Joe Sugarman, the man who literally invented the idea of taking credit card orders on toll free numbers.
Root's show is broadcast in New York (on 970 The Apple), Los Angeles (on KABC) and Chicago (on WIND). It is also streamed at: ROOTforAmerica.com
In the past 3 weeks Wayne's radio guests have included former Republican Presidential candidate and U.S. Congressman Ron Paul; FOX News host and judicial expert Judge Andrew Napolitano; former Congressman and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough; 3-time NY Times #1
Best-selling author Robert Ringer; economist and FOX News regular Peter Schiff; economist and founder of FreedomFest and author of 25 books Mark Skousen; economist Kip Herraige, the Founder/CEO of Wealth Masters International; and rare coin and gold expert Steve Contursi, Founder/CEO of Rare Coin Wholesalers.
Once he returns from New York, Root heads to Dallas to address the largest Tea Party events in the country on July 4th in Austin and Dallas. Root will be the only speaker to address both events, as well as a Libertarian Party gathering in Dallas on July 3rd. The July 4th Dallas event, called "America's Tea Party" is expecting 50,000 attendees at Southfork (J.R.'s Ranch from the TV series "Dallas")- the largest gathering of its kind ever. Root will be speaking along with Michelle Malkin and hero jet pilot Scott O'Grady.
Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book will be released by John Wiley & Sons this July 20th entitled, "The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts." The book is available for pre-sale at Amazon.com. For more of Wayne's views, commentaries, or to watch his many media interviews, please visit his web site at: www.ROOTforAmerica.com