Fallout From Costa Rica Raids Continues

The fallout from a raid on the Costa Rican offices of Absolute Poker/ UB.com continues with reports that PML leader and candidate for the premiership in 2010, Otto Guevara, accepted donations from IDS chief Olman Rimola, knowing that the funds came from “illegal gambling”.
Rimola ran the customer service arm of Absolute Poker. Employees have accused Rimola, a one time candidate for Mayor of San Jose, of withholding their pay while he alleges never having received funds from Absolute.
The poker firm was forced to shut down its Costa Rican offices following an April 15 indictment by the US Justice Department.
From Inside Costa Rica:
"This is a political stunt", said Guevara on Wednesday after the Ministerio Publico raid. He added that he has no problems in opening up his bank accounts. The politician said he knew Rimola & that he operated a call-centre, one of many in Costa Rica, but that he was not aware this was linked to an online poker operation.
Rimola was arrested last week following raids on IDS by the local equivalent of the FBI.
Guevara told the paper he’s willing to open his bank accounts up for review.
"We in the party have no problem. We do not have a dog in this fight", said Guevara, explaining that he received loans from Gomez to finance his expenses in 2009.
On the raid on party headquarters, Guevara said: "they were probably looking for receipts of such contributions".
Meanwhile, US players await payment from Absolute Poker. Company bank accounts in the US were seized by federal authorities.
- Jagajeet Chiba, Gambling911.com