Was the Finale of Celebrity Apprentice Fixed?

Was the finale of Celebrity Apprentice fixed? That's the question being asked by Thomas Somach of PokerHelper.com.
The evidence is mounting, he says.
"It wasn't just that New York City resident Trump has known and been friends with fellow New York City resident Rivers for many years and didn't know Los Angeles resident Duke.
"Now it has been revealed that Trump's sister-in-law, Blaine Trump, is affiliated with the charity that Rivers was playing for on the show!"
It's a conflict of interest of massive proportions, Somach insists and he tells Gambling911.com that the super market tabloid, The Globe, has picked up on the story.
The charity, God?s Love We Deliver, similar to Meals on Wheels, delivers
free meals to impoverished shut-ins with AIDS, cancer and other serious
According to a page on the God's Love We Deliver website, at
www.glwd.org/about_directors.html, Blaine Trump is a vice-chair of the
charity, which is a position on the charity?s Board of Directors.
A photo of Blaine Trumpa and Joan Rivers delivering meals together for
the chariy can be seen at
Donald Trump donated $250,000 to the 'Celebrity Apprentice' winner's
"Nothing like keeping the money in the family," Somach says.
Christopher Costigan, Gambling911.com Publisher