The Globe: Was Celebrity Apprentice Fixed?

The new issue of supermarket tabloid The Globe is out today and features an interview with Tom Somach, a regular contributor to the website and reporter for Somach was asked questions related to whether or not the Celebrity Apprentice finale in which comedian Joan Rivers beat poker pro Annie Duke may have been fixed.
A relative of Donald Trump is on the board of the 'celebrity apprentice' winner's charity," Somach points out.
This was a hot button topic for all of last week at but, as a number of readers pointed out, the "relative" in question is actually involved in a nasty divorce with Donald's brother. The suggestion is that Trump would least likely play "favoritism" towards this woman. Trump also made mention of the board membership early on in the show.
The Globe issue is dated June 1, 2009 and is available today (May 20) in New York and Los Angeles. The issue will be available to the rest of the US and world over the weekend. You can read the story on page 15.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher