Celebrity Apprentice 2 Winner Is….

Gambling911.com is here with your Celebrity Apprentice 2 live updates. The show is three hours and we will have the winner once known. This is Jenny Woo reporting. Remember to check out my Twitter Page and start following Moi and Gambling911.com.
As most of you know, the Sunday finale featured poker player and spokesperson for premiere Gambling911.com sponsor UltimateBet.com, Annie Duke, who I have had the pleasure of interviewing on a few occasions. She was going up against comedian Joan Rivers.
The live finale featured prefilmed tasks with the two women going up against each other. Both absolutely HATE each other with a CAPITAL "H". In fact, speaking of "H", Joan Rivers has even called Annie Duke "Hitler" and she has referred to all poker players as "White Trash".
The show began with the two women selecting their team members from 6 pre chosen past Celebrity Apprentice contestants. Joan's strategy was to pick her daughter last, knowing that Annie would not select her. She chose Hershel Walker first, followed by Clint Black, then her daughter, Melissa. Annie chose Brande Roderick followed by Dennis Rodman then Tom Green.
Dennis delivered quite the surprise early on through his $20,000 total donation from both the Los Angeles Lakers and Detroit Pistons, two teams he has played for. Meanwhile, it appeared that Clint Black was disinterested in helping his team early on.
The teams had to sell tickets to Circus Soleil. Hershel came up with the bright idea to have one of his friends buy all the tickets then the team gave them away for free. Meanwhile, Joan worked on getting as many celebrities to take part in a silent auction. She was not thrilled with the event planner, who she called “very unimaginative”.
Oh boy, promo of upcoming two hours has Annie saying she is "going to crush Joan". Something happens. Can't wait! Joan has just called someone to come help her with the party planning because the person that is supposed to be doing it is a complete disaster.
The designer for Annie's team was offended by Joan Rivers at one point that he wanted nothing to do with Celebrity Apprentice lol. Meanwhile, Joan's party planner quit. Both teams are desperate.
Okay so Annie managed to find some folks to take over where the party planners left over. Dennis and Tom sold all the Circus Soleil tickets. Joan got all the folks from her charity to come help set up the event. Smart idea. This is getting good.
Joan found someone who manages celebrity impersonators but the person's mom had just passed away. Oh my God, Joan started laughing about the bereavement and asked the guy to come help her out and the guy was more than happy to.
Tom Green and Annie are going at it. Annie said he does not listen. Tom said "I am getting yelled at by a poker player". He referred to her as condescending.
Oh no, Clint had a set up on the table with every frame a picture of him. Joan made the comment that if Clint went to a pickup bar he'd pick up himself because of his enormous ego.
Oh Annie, I love ya...but wouldn't want to work for ya LOL. She is BOSSSSSY with a capital "B" and speaking of "B" words...lol.... Well, Joan can't be too easy to work for either. And I thought my boss was bad. Going to pray and thank the Lord for giving me such a wonderful boss.
Un oh...time for the boardroom. Dennis said it was Annie's time to shine and he said she did and was a very good leader. Awww...I love Dennis. He is so cool to hang with and used to protect his little Jenny down here in Miami Beach. Love the guy!
Joan and Annie get into a fight in the boardroom OMG.
Joan implied poker players are "Mafia people" lol.
Over $150,000 raised by Joan's team. Annie's team raised over $200,000.
Dennis Rodman lashing out at Jessie James live and he cursed so thankfully this was on time delay. They were going off about Dennis' substance abuse. Melissa was asked if she embarassed herself with the meltdown after her firing and she said "No". Brande said she and her friends call each other "Whore Pit Vipers" now.
Joan Rivers and Annie Duke are now in the live board room waiting to hear the verdict as to who gets fired.
Dennis would have hired Joan and Scott Hamill felt Joan's stamina at her age should result in her hiring.
The results are coming up shortly.
Annie was playing for Refugees International
Joan was playing for God's Love We Deliver
Both amazing charities
Jenny Woo, Gambling911.com Senior International Reporter