Will the Biden Administration Try to Pack the Court Following Roe vs. Wade Ruling? Latest Odds

Written by:
Gilbert Horowitz
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Gambling911.com has released preliminary futures (not for betting yet) on the potential for the Biden Administration to begin packing the Supreme Court in light of Friday's announced ruling that overturns Roe vs. Wade.  U.S. President Joe Biden opting to add new Justices would be an early 3-1 underdog.

Getting the court packed is another story.  The Senate is favored to switch to a Republican majority in November.  Those odds would be 5-1 in regard to an additional Justice being added prior to 2024.

Friday's ruling was not necessarily a shock.  It comes over a month after an unprecedented leak of a draft opinion by Justice Samuel Alito indicating the court was prepared to take the drastic measures.

Oddsmakers like BetOnline have mostly shied away from offering odds on Roe vs. Wade.  Long before the leaked draft opinion, oddsmakers did have Roe vs. Wade getting overturned at -750 odds.  This, however, was prior to the end of the Trump Administration.

Roe vs. Wade was a 1973 landmark Supreme Court decision ruling that the Constitution of the United States generally protects a pregnant woman's liberty should she choose to have an abortion.

With nine members making up the current Supreme Court, six justices are considered to be conservative leaning.


Then there's the Susan Collins factor.  As a moderate Senator out of Maine, Collins occasionally votes with the Democrats and does support a woman's right to choose.  She confirmed Brett Kavanaugh based on his assurance to her that Roe vs. Wade was settled law.

Republicans might not be able to count on Collins getting in the way of adding another justice should the Senate still be tight after November.

Kavanaugh was among those who voted to overturn Roe vs. Wade.  He wrote that the case was “wrongly decided” and “should be overruled at this time.”

“Instead of adhering to the Constitution’s neutrality, the Court in Roe took sides on the issue and unilaterally decreed that abortion was legal throughout the United States up to the point of viability,” he wrote.

Collins was being called every bad word in the book via Twitter Friday morning.

Until now the Biden Administration has been resistant to packing the court.

Conservative news outlet Fox News was quick to publish an opt-ed declaring that "Supreme Court abortion ruling will boost left's court-packing push"

They might be right.

- Gilbert Horowitz, Gambling911.com

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