Spencer Bacchus Takes Heat for Socialist Comments

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C Costigan
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Spencer Bacchus

Alabama Representative and staunch opponent of online gambling, Spencer Bacchus, has been called out for his own calling out of supposed "17 Socialists in the House".  The Republican made the comments during a Thursday morning breakfast in Birmingham, Alabama.

These remarks come after the National Taxpayers Union just gave Bacchus a failing grade related to his "out of control" spending habits.

"At first glance, it didn't seem that the Republicans from Alabama's performed that poorly. Senator Sessions earned a B+ and Senator Shelby earned a B. Of the House members, Aderholt earned a B, Bachus a C+, Bonner a B-, Cramer an F, Davis an F, Everett a C+, and Rogers earned a C-. That the Democrats scored so low isn't surprising, but lets take a deeper look at the GOP numbers.

"To begin, it's embarrassing that not even one member of Alabama's congressional delegation earned an A. To make matters much worse, the grading was done on a curve."

Hypocrisy among political figures?  Say it isn't so.

Stephen Gordon of the Liberty Paper says "Another Republican Pot Calls the Kettle Black".

"Perhaps Bachus should realize that while his index finger points at 17 congresscritters with worse spending records than his own, the rest of his fingers are pointing back at himself."

The Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce Newsletter confirms that Bacchus himself loves bailouts:

Rep. Spencer Bachus recently provided an in-depth analysis of the nation's economic struggles to more than 250 members at the Chamber's Fall Congressional Forum. Bachus explained his role in the passage of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA), a $700 billion bill that will, among other things, provide the federal government the power to purchase distressed loans and guarantee troubled assets held by financial institutions. Bachus said supporting the bailout bill was one of the most difficult decisions he has ever in Congress. Despite his reservations, Bachus said the EESA was necessary due to the intensity of the financial crisis.

Ironically, it's one of the online gambling industry's biggest supporters, Texas Republican Congressman, Ron Paul, who was named among the top 10 most "Fiscally Responsible" by the National Taxpayers Union.  He came in number 6.

Christopher Costigan, Gambling911.com Publisher 

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