Paddy Power Now Offering NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Betting Odds

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Jagajeet Chiba
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Paddy Power Now Offering NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Betting Odds

The Irish online bookmaker Paddy Power has odds on where NSA leaker Edward Snowden will ultimately flee too.

Snowden is currently believed to be in limbo in Russia.  Countries named as possibly embracing the wanted US whistleblower include Iceland, Ecuador and Cuba.  There are even odds on whether Snowden is whisked away by the Navy SEALS.

The US Government has asked Ecuador not to grant Snowden asylum and President Rafael Correa has agreed to respect the opinions of the US Government following discussions with US Vice President Joe Biden.   

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A handful of people have placed a few hundred dollars on  bets, Paddy Power spokesman Feilim Mac An Iomaire told ABC

“The Snowden market isn’t exactly the World Cup finals,” Mac An Iomaire said, but the site wants to offer “something for everyone.”

“Not everyone has a huge interest in sport, but that doesn’t mean they can’t put their money where their mouth is,” he said.

There were also odds on who will play Edward Snowden in an upcoming film about the matter with Jake Gyllenhaal the 10/1 favorite.

 Jagajeet Chiba,

Politics News
