Phil Ivey Wins $736,844 on Full Tilt Poker in 48 Hours: Dissed by SallyWoo

One of the most recognized names in poker, Phil Ivey, managed to win $738,844 in just under 48 hours at Full Tilt Poker beginning Wednesday of this week.
Ivey plays under the handle “Polarizing”.
Among Ivey’s victims: Viktor “Isildur1” Blom and online player NiklasReinecker. Ivey played mostly short sessions.
He continued his winning ways on Thursday, March 28, adding $492,700 to his bankroll.
FLO8 specialist, SallyWoo, refused his action, and it was probably for the best.
High Stakes DB published the online transcript of their conversation Thursday night:
Polarizing: quit when u want
Polarizing: i may play 2 min
SallyWoo: nah, u too nitty
Polarizing: ha
SallyWoo: we play another time
Polarizing: play 8 games
SallyWoo: well when i played u lhe u said play other games, i moved to 08, now here u wont really givve action, so ill move to another game will it happen again at plo?
SallyWoo: will you quit me at horse if i play that? or can we battle?
SallyWoo: like in future
Polarizing: what are u talking about
Polarizing: i have no idea what your talking about
Polarizing: u have issues
SallyWoo: issues?
Polarizing: i will play i just quit when i want
Polarizing: simple as that
SallyWoo: u lose 2bb and quit 9 out of 10 times and i have issues gotcha
Polarizing: ha
- Ace King,