How to Start a Sports Betting Company: Easy as 1-2-3

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There has never been an easier time to start a sports betting company online.

Today’s bookies, would be bookies and agents all have access to something they didn’t have just a few years ago: Pay Per Head software that features a full suite of wagering options including LIVE IN-PLAY betting, customized lines monitored by seasoned experts, mobile interface, automated player reports and even a LIVE DEALER online casino.

Best of all, there is absolutely zero overhead and you will only pay a small weekly fee ($10 or less) per active customer.  This means you won’t be paying $50 on five players in the middle of June when said players are on vacation and not gambling.  It’s even possible to set up with one or two family members and grow your sports betting business from there thanks to the amazing solutions offered by Pay Per Head providers like, who advise of the following:

The bottom line in bookmaking business is the more action you write, the more money you make. You will always want to add what you believe are solid players, not only to expand your business, but also to replace those customers who have proven to be bad debt or simply have been worn down by the house advantage.

Understanding that the customer who wagers only $100 a game will lose $3,000 to $4,000 over the course of any given season should give you plenty of incentive to hit the bricks. If you use your time wisely, reaching a customer base of 200 or so (a little better than average) should be no problem.

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Once you have set up a customized website using your own domain name and all the great support functions provided by an established Pay Per Head like RealBookies, then it’s all about advertising and so much of this is by way of word-of-mouth.

The best thing you can do to expand your client list is continue to treat the customers you already have with respect, courtesy, and professionalism-and to always pay in full, on time, and in cash, advises. 

In addition to word-of-mouth, head to the racetrack, especially during major races such as the Kentucky Derby or Breeders Cup.  Everybody there will be betting and those who bet horses love casino gambling, hence the LIVE DEALER CASINO attraction, as well as wagering on other sports.  Have you ever met someone who bets horses who doesn’t follow other sports?  Probably not.

Visit pool halls regularly and make friends.  Join golf or business clubs.  Hang out at sports bars.

Develop a mailing list (you can even buy these through reputable dealers) and send out regular updates on upcoming games.   If you are a sports handicapper, that’s an added plus as gamblers love getting picks, especially free picks.  Most sports handicappers are so good at studying games and stats they typically win at least 55 percent with their picks year-on-year.

Want more great information? Check on how to start a sports betting company.

- Aaron Goldstein,

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