Pennsylvania Judge Rules Poker a Game of Skill

The online poker community has long argued that poker is a game of skill and now a state judge has agreed.
Columbia County Judge Thomas James ruled Friday that "The Court finds that Texas hold'em poker is a game where skill predominates over chance. Thus, is it not ‘unlawful gambling' under the Pennsylvania Code."
Two individuals - Walter Watkins and his girlfriend, Diane Dent - were charged with running poker games from their home.
Pete Campana, and attorney representing the two defendants stated: "I've seen poker players of all calibers; there's no question in my mind that skill controls poker more than luck of the draw."
"It's unfortunate we had to go through all of this," Watkins told the Associated Press. "We were arrested, taken out of our home, shackled and spent a night in prison. All for playing poker."
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