The End of the CAP Affiliate Programs as we Know it?

The ongoing saga of the Casino Affiliate Programs (CAP) relationship to a "rogue" online poker room - CardSpike - continues with the apparent resignation of co-founder Lou Fabiono and further bannings - this one of Bryan Bailey (The Casino Meister) who can no longer participate in the CAP Posting Forums.
Mr. Fabiono released the following statement on Sunday:
"After the all the negative press and activity of the past few months I have decided it's probably best for the community moving forward if I left. For whatever reason I create too much of a distraction and raise too many questions by even being here anymore. I know many believe I am some kind of monster now and even my old friends have fallen silent in support (Other than BB1 Thanks Steve). I will do whats best and simply move on. It's been a great run and I truly enjoyed it. I met some of the best people I have ever known through CAP and it's taken me wonderful places around the world. I would rather remember it fondly then grow bitter and forget all the good we have done together.
"I have always loved this business and loved CAP, it's been my baby for so many years and it's hard to let go. But now its turned into a nightmare thats damaging my health and something I dread getting up to. Unfortunately I have already purchased tickets to London and have a hotel room booked so I may go, but even if I do this is my last appearance at the events. I will also be turning over the reins here to a younger team and staff with fresh ideas that can keep CAP moving in a positive direction. I sincerely hope everyone finds them more agreeable to work with. It's time for me to move on.
"God bless all my friends and have a prosperous 2009. I am certain we will see a major surge of business in the latter quarters of the year and the new CAP will be here to help you make the most of that opportunity."
Fabioni has not been heard from by colleagues since the controvery began.
"He is not answering his phone," one individual tells
The announcement could not have come at a worse time for the organization, which holds its big London bash in the coming week.
While some speculate that the Fabiono announcement is nothing more than "smoke and mirrors" there are underlying health issues involved. Fabiono is rumored to have suffered a minor heart attack last year.
Meanwhile, Bryan Bailey remained dumbfounded Sunday morning upon learning of his inability to participate in the CAP Forums. This weekend, he publicly announced a boycott of the CAP event in London after much investigation into the fiasco.
"So much for having an open discussion," Bailey joked at his own forum "Oh well, guess I'll hang out around here where I belong."
One poster - an online gambling affiliate - remarked: "Welcome to the club. There are hundreds of us (that have been banned)!"
Co-organizer of CAP, Warren Jolly, earlier this week requested that remove all "disparaging" remarks about his organization, a request that was denied.
It was not immediately clear as to how this would affect upcoming CAP events.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher