If There Were a 'Real Housewives of Sports Betting' It Might Look Something Like This

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Jagajeet Chiba
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It's been a few days since pro sports bettor Captain Jack Andrews went completely dark across all of his social media channels after abruptly parting ways with the popular Unabated Sports.

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Many have stepped forward to compliment Jack on helping them with their own sports betting strategies.  His Youtube channel does remain up and features such videos as  "How to Make $100k a Year Betting on Sports", a solid plan of attack for anyone looking to turn their hobby of betting on sports into a very profitable side-hustle.

From what we can gather, Andrews appears to have been the target of some particularly venomous cyber bullying, though there are some in the sports betting community who suggests he had it coming.

Rufus Peabody, co-founder of Unabated Sports, went out of his way to commend Captain Jack.

"I don’t think people realize how difficult it is to deal with the vitriol that can be directed at people who voice their opinions in a public forum. It’s hard to have your motives questioned and be torn down relentlessly. On the other hand, it’s very easy to anonymously antagonize, insult, and demean people, often it seems for the purpose of provoking a reaction.

"I don’t understand why some people take pleasure in tearing others down. To get attention? To play a game?  Even more hard to understand is that these people can be completely different in person. Just last week, someone who’s trolled me relentlessly reached out to meet up for lunch, thinking we would be in the same city.

"Maybe these actions are rooted in unhappiness. I don’t know. But I do know the satisfaction you get from helping someone else is much greater than from tearing someone down.

"Trolls seek to get a reaction. They weaponize another's emotional investment against them. Sometimes their targets lash out in response, themselves playing into a hateful narrative. Despite being someone who is “not predisposed to anger," I’ve lost control in reaction to anonymous comments directed at me, and have and said some things I regret.

"I want to ask people to reflect on how they treat people on this and other platforms. Are you, advertently or inadvertently, hurting people? Is that consistent with the person you are or the person you strive to be?"

Others have stepped forward pointing to what they see as a toxic environment at times surrounding Unabated Sports.

Twitter user Ferris referenced prior attacks on others in the sector including Michael Schwimer is the CEO of Big League Advance (BLA) and the sports betting service JAMBOS.

"You spent months of your life in a crusade against JAMBOS and Schwimmer, taking shot after shot at their credibility and motivations. You’ll then cite how you self-reflected, thought about it some more, and realized you were in the wrong. Even to the point where you created tout tools to ruin other people’s edges. It comes off as terribly disingenuous. But then we, gambling twitter, society, whatever you want to call it, are not allowed to critique a person for changing. At some point, you are who you are."

Peabody responded: "I was totally in the wrong. Not necessarily in my viewpoints, but I let it become personal, and I tried to hurt someone. I’m not proud of my behavior."

ACL-Sports.com®--Sports Investor, who has nearly 20,000 Twitter followers claims that Jack is no innocent when it comes to the recent drama.

"Rufus, I say this all to you respectfully--I completely agree with you when it comes to the trolls on here. It says everything one needs to know about them and the unhappiness & sadness they have in their lives. They are easily identifiable.

"When it comes to Jack, which I know your tweet is in response to...To say that Jack is in innocent bystander in all of this is wildly inaccurate.  Jack spent much of his time on here coming after people, often unprovoked, who dare disagree with him or did things differently than he chose to do.

"He would often attack their character, motives, and make implications that were either wrong, inaccurate, or downright lies. If anyone then ever tried to defend themselves against him or talk back, he would claim to be the victim as he was "just trying to help others", which frankly, is complete Bullshit.

"I'm never in favor of anyone getting trolled on here, but in Jack's case, he needs to look in the mirror and realize he was often (usually) the one doing the trolling under the guise of 'just trying to help others'."

Peabody had this to say in response to ACL-Sports.com®--Sports Investor: "Thanks for the thoughtful response. I agree that Jack is not an innocent bystander in this. I think he has some reflection to do. He is my friend, but that doesn’t mean I condone all of his actions. But I do believe Jack is a very unselfish person with a big heart. As you said, peoples lives are complicated and you never know what’s going on in their personal lives. Jack can be both a good person and attack people on twitter. The goal of my tweet wasn’t to defend Jack. It was to get people, Jack included, to reflect on what they’re actually putting out there. As I said I think most people trolling are actually good people, but I think it’s easy to forget the impact you can have on someone with your words."

Adam Bjorn of the newly opened Prime Sports defended Unabated Sports via his Twitter account. 

"The venom currently being squirted towards @UnabatedSports has many underbellys.. Most the bettors on here are one trick ponies and once their 1 gap is closed they have nothing else.  Most are not genuinely winning bettors and just want someone to blame thinking unabated has made it harder for them to ever have hope.  Many are just unhappy humans..and it's their go too place..and thats okay, if that helps them get thru the day, leave them be..

"As for rest... You've seen nothing of @UnabatedSports true reach and powers yet imo.. wait until their tools are utilized by an operator that takes all players and the builds content and real time Information starts getting distributed at scale.. Giddyup..."

- Jagajeet Chiba, Gambling911.com

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