Futures or Props | Which One to Focus On?

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C Costigan
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Sports gamblers are spending an enormous amount of money and there are no signs of slowing anytime soon. This is fantastic news for the bookie, however, it creates a good problem.

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The more player you have the more diversified you must be when it comes to wagering options. Players get bored with the everyday gambling lines, they want more, and they demand more. If you don’t offer the options, they will find them elsewhere. Don’t let this happen to you. You need the cross-action and you need every player you can find, you must offer the best in great prop odds and competitive future odds.

There is absolutely no reason to not focus on both. You need them both and you will definitely see a large increase in overall revenue. Many bookies shy away from futures simply because of the risk factor involved. There is a significant risk when it comes to offering future odds and you must set limits when offering them. Even Las Vegas casinos set limits. Their limits are for sure much higher than yours, but they realize how much they can afford to lose at the end of a season should things go south. This is what you must do, you must assess the risk vs. possibly losing the player. Is what you’re allowing him to bet, is it worth the loss while you have most-likely gained a valuable everyday player?


  • As mentioned, futures are a risk, for one reason; if they hit, you’re going to pay someone a lot of money. Maybe you offer limits. That’s             great until many people start betting the same future bet. You must know where you stand at all times, what your individual limits are as well as your overall limits. In general, future bets are a good thing because it helps your bottom line now. It’s very hard to say no, to free money. That’s what a future bet is, free money. It may turn into a loss at the end of the season. There is a juggling act that you must follow, and you must budget wisely.
  • You must offer more than a couple of sports to choose from when it comes to future bets. You want to offer the staples such as baseball, basketball, football, and hockey but there are many more such as golf, boxing, tennis, and soccer. The more you have to offer the more gamblers will bet. The more cross action that you receive on future bets means the chances of you losing overall are close to impossible, but you must have the cross action.


  • Prop bets are those everyday offerings that go above and beyond netting a side or total, prop odds can involve individual players, teams, totals, special circumstances, the game itself and much more. You absolutely must offer prop odds. By offering prop odds you are assuring yourself a win!
  • Sports             gamblers are impetuous people, they get in a hurry, they get bored, and they want action. Prop odds work great for every sport. There is not one that stands above the crowd unless it would be the NFL—based on sheer volume. The NFL season brings the players, and the more props per game that you offer, the more cross action you will have.
  • Manage your proposition wagers carefully and know how much you can afford. Prop wagering can be lucrative, and you stand to make a lot of extra money, it can also burn you if you are not cautious. Know your limits.

Bookies must set a great working budget and they must be available to their clients. The best way to be all things to all people is through the use of a white label pay per head. Find one that is offering a fantastic free-trial offer and one that actually allows you time to know and use the product before making a purchase. There are many fly by night PPH providers that are simply in business for the money. Stay away from rock-bottom offers. The best PPH providers in the industry are charging between $7-$10 per head. Find a PPH that offers both you and the client a toll-free hotline and start making money today. You will be glad you jumped in and you will see profits margins like never before.

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