Ron Paul Odds of Becoming Next US President in 2012 at 45/1

Written by:
Aaron Goldstein
Published on:
Ron Paul

Is it just us or does Republican Ron Paul stand a much better shot of winning state caucuses for the 2012 US Presidential race and potentially the Republican nomination.  His odds currently were set at 45/1 at

As much as the mainstream media seemed to want to paint the long time Congressman as a nutcase during his last run, Ron Paul seems like the sanest of this current crop.

A strong supporter of one’s right to gamble legally online, Paul is the darling of the online gambling community, including Internet poker. 

How Ron Paul has longer odds than Bill Frist, which helped push through Internet gambling prohibition in October 2006, is beyond us. 

Congressman Paul appeared on Eliot Spitzer’s CNN show “In The Arena” Tuesday night and he’s being embraced by the media this go-around, at least it seems.  The Texas Congressman was excluded from a Presidential debate in 2008 on Fox News.  That won’t happen this time.

Paul’s no spring chicken, he’ll be 77 when the 2012 Presidential Election is held.  He’s the same age as Doyle Brunson (egad!).  But just think, he’s young enough to be Betty White’s son. 

- Aaron Goldstein, S Presidential Election 2012



Who will be the next US President in 2012


Al Gore    


Barack Obama    


Bill Frist    


Bobby Jindal    


Charlie Crist    


Condoleeza Rice    


David Petraeus    


Donald Trump    


Evan Bayh    


Hillary Clinton    


Jeb Bush    


Joe Biden    


Joe Wurzelbacher    


John Edwards    


John McCain    


Mark Sanford    


Mark Warner    


Michael Bloomberg    


Mike Huckabee    


Mitt Romney    


Newt Gingrich    


Rob Portman    


Ron Paul    


Rudolph Giuliani    


Sarah Palin    


Tim Pawlenty    





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