Online Poker Felon Bill Sponsor Senator Marquerite Prentice May be Gerrymandered Out

A Washington State Senator, Marguerite Prentice, may lose her seat due to so-called gerrymandering. Prentice helped co-sponsor a controversial bill that made playing online poker in the state a Class C felony with the punishment comparable to that of a multiple drunk driving offender and child molester. Washington is the only state that criminalizes actual online gamblers.
The Seattle Times noted that Prentice, a Democrat, will have to compete with other Democrats to remain in the legislature.
That paper revealed the following:
The maps for Western Washington legislative districts are preliminary, but the two Democratic and two Republican members of the Washington State Redistricting Commission said they're largely complete.
Legislative maps for Eastern Washington and the state's congressional districts are still being developed by the commission, which is supposed to finish its work by Jan. 1.
The maps released Friday would displace one senator, Prentice, and four state representatives: Rep. Gary Alexander, R-Olympia; Rep. Ruth Kagi, D-Lake Forest Park; Rep. Ed Orcutt, R-Kalama; and Rep. Jim McCune, R-Graham.
- Jagajeet Chiba,