Christine O’Donnell Only 11 Percent Likely To Win Say Gamblers

Written by:
Jagajeet Chiba
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Christine O'Donnell

The betting exchanges have long been used to gauge public opinion and predict outcomes in key events, particular those related to political elections.  The Dublin, Ireland-based exchange,, has been taking bets on whether Christine O”Donnell can win the Delaware Senate race ahead of Wednesday night’s state debate to be broadcast live on CNN and co-moderated by that cable network’s own Wolf Blitzer. 

Just two days ago, Ms. O’Donnell was getting the backing of 14.5 percent of gamblers.  That number has now dropped to 11 percent.  Betting volume for and against O’Donnell has now registered at 3294.

The 41-year-old O’Donnell has made national headlines for her headline-generating “I Am Not A Witch” campaign commercial, referencing an admission that she once had a “picnic date” on a Satanic altar.  She also has denounced masturbation.

While regularly preaching abstinence, O'Donnell insisted last month that she does not believe in regulating private sexual behavior; and, if elected, "It'll be the Constitution on which I base all of my decisions, not my personal beliefs."

She also told a newspaper in 2006 that homosexuals have an "identity disorder" that is "adopted through societal factors.

Meanwhile, in other political betting news, notes that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trailing among bettors, where he stands only a 46 percent chance of winning his seat back in Nevada.  – Jagajeet Chiba reporting for 

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