Tell Tale Sign of Conspiracy: How Quickly Las Vegas Rolls Out Own Online Poker Sites

The telltale sign for any possible conspiracy theories would likely be how quickly Las Vegas-based entities will be able to launch their own online poker sites once the laws are changed, or as Scott Matusow (brother of poker pro Mike “The Mouth” Matusow) puts it “Once this legal matter is settled with the big 3 offshore sites, then Caesar’s will roll out their ready to go “turn key” online poker site, then others will follow.”
Our friends at note:
It is appearing more and more that Las Vegas was just waiting for something like Black Friday to go down. In his post, Matusow brings up a very interesting point regarding how the UIGEA is worded. The controversial legislation only seems to cover ” funding thru a financial institution illegal gambling”. Las Vegas casinos, however, are based in Nevada, a state in which gambling is not only legal, but regulated as well. Because of that fact, should Las Vegas do what many observers think is their logical next move, set up online poker sites, then it would be up to each individual state to decide whether or not they will permit its residents to play on sites whose origins are in a jurisdiction that allows such an enterprise. Prior to Black Friday, most of the individual states allowed PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker to service its residents. In fact, Harrah’s had been in active negotiations to become a business partner of PokerStars in which they would team up to essentially legally circumvent the UIGEA. Had PokerStars been able to team up with the Wynn Hotel, they would have positioned themselves as an interstate poker provider.
Scott Matusow has become one of the most outspoken voices in recent weeks in regard to the April 15 seizures of three online poker websites and accounts belonging to PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and
Matusow spoke at length on the subject during one podcast to the point where he had to relieve himself on the air by urinating into a plastic cup.
- Ace King,