Nevada Senator: “Online Poker Legislation on the Front Burner”

Nevada Sen. Dean Heller insists that online poker legislation at the federal level is “on the front burner” following reports that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had already drafted a measure along with Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl.
"I've talked to leadership and a couple of colleagues," Sen. Heller said, naming Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and leadership deputies Sen. John Cornyn of Texas and Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri. He said the aim was to "make sure ... all of them have an idea of what we are trying to push in this effort."
While Nevada has already legalized online poker within its own borders, the law does not permit the activity for “real money” play outside of the state until federal legislation is passed.
Steve Tetreault of the Las Vegas Review Journal noted that “such a major - and controversial - gaming bill could not pass as a stand-alone measure in light of opposition from interests such as casino competitors and social conservatives”.
One such opponent is none other than big time Republican political donor and casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who claims to be against legalizing online poker on “moral grounds”.
"He has an opinion and obviously that is taken into consideration, and we have to work with it and around it to try to make something happen," Heller said. "I certainly don't discount his position.
"I want everybody to have a voice in this process, including Mr. Adelson," Heller said. "I don't see his voice being any stronger or any less important than anybody else. He is just part of the puzzle."
- Aaron Goldstein,