Michael Phelps Will Help Propel Doyles Room Online Poker to New Levels

With news Sunday that 14-time Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps could be joining the Doyles Room team of celebrity players, the online poker is abuzz with the prospects of notoriety that comes with the partnership.
Gambling911.com has revealed that Brunson and his son, Todd, have been teaching Phelps how to become a skilled professional poker player. Stories began circulating during the Olympics that Michael Phelps was beginning to dabble in online poker...all day, all night, when he wasn't practicing for the Olympics.
He later began reading up on Doyle Brunson, learned he was chosen Sexiest Professional Poker player by Gambling911.com's own Jenny Woo, and the rest was history.
A number of poker entities, including the Asian Poker Tour, were vying for Phelps. The Olympian was to appear on the Jay Leno Show this week. It was not known if he would be discussing his newfound love for poker.
For DoylesRoom.com and its online poker network, Microgaming, Phelps would almost guarantee a massive boost in memberships. Doyles Room accepts US customers and is the marquee brand of Microgaming. That poker network has now moved ahead of Bodog Poker in terms of real cash players.
"What a great feeling it must be to be 23 years old and on top of the world," Brunson said. "What a nice kid! He had a bunch of his friends from home with him and they were the guests of the Palms Hotel and Casino. I got a call that he was an avid poker fan and wanted to meet me, Todd, and Hoyt Corkins. Jennifer Harman and her husband Marco were also there.
"Phelps and some of his friends wanted books so I took Super System 1 and 2 to them and they asked all kinds of poker questions. Michael said all he wanted to do in life, was to eat, swim and play poker. We went up to his suite to hang out for a while. His suite had a basketball court, swimming pool, workout room, multiple bedrooms and bathrooms. It must have been 15-20 thousand square feet, the nicest one I've ever seen."
But Brunson it turns out is quite the "bad influence". While in town, Phelps was egged on to visit a strip club by the elder Brunson, who hot "lady friends" (including our own Jenny Woo) are enough to make Hugh Hefner blush.
Doyles Room is offering a 110 percent bonus, the world's biggest casino jackpots and over $4 million in guaranteed tournaments monthly. Check out DoylesRoom.com today. You might end up playing with Michael Phelps.