Full Tilt Poker: Where’s my Money at?

Gambling911.com continues to receive payout complaints related to the world’s second largest online poker room, Full Tilt Poker. One player advised Gambling911.com on Sunday that he has been waiting for his money over two months now.
I've waiting nearly two months for my money with no end in sight. Cashed
out on Jan 31st, funds not received nor have they put back in my Full Tilt
account. Furthermore, no compensation from Full Tilt for the long delay.
Gambling911.com has been reporting on the Full Tilt Poker payout problems and complaints for the past few months, much of which are a result of the US Government seizing a portion of the company’s funds.
Players on the TwoPlusTwo.com posting forum noted that the bank wire and transfer features have apparently just been disabled (and declined). This appears to be happening in specific states, however. Observers note that New Jersey, Michigan, Delaware and Massachusetts were just some of the states not experiencing the issue.
Gambling911.com will continue to monitor this situation and you can check for frequent updates on our TWITTER FEED.
- Christopher Costigan, Gambling911.com Publisher