Full Tilt to Android Anna Champman Poker to iPhone

While the mobile phone poker market remains largely undeveloped, several companies are trying to speed up the process by releasing poker applications. The biggest release involves Full Tilt Poker working on a new app for the Android that would offer their ever-popular “Rush Poker” format.
Full Tilt has been testing this application over the past couple of months, and rumor has it that they could be releasing their Android app in just a few weeks. What’s great is that this application is supposed to offer real money games, which would make Full Tilt the first major poker room to offer this service.
Much like online poker, mobile phone poker is still a gray in many countries (perhaps even more so). So it will be interesting to see how all of this plays out when Full Tilt does release their rumored application.
Another important point is that the majority of mobile phone users have BlackBerry and iPhones – not Androids. So would a large part of the online poker community be willing to buy an Android in addition to their BlackBerry or iPhone?
Poker with Anna Chapman
Speaking of the iPhone, Russian spy Anna Chapman recently made poker news after releasing a poker application for the iPhone. The app is called Poker with Anna Chapman, and it lives up to the title by offering players the chance to play against Chapman. Those who beat Chapman in poker will be added as friends to her Facebook page.
Besides the Facebook angle, the other perk that the makers of Poker with Anna Chapman (Zelda Inc.) are pushing is that you’ll get to see pictures of Chapman in sexy outfits. Judging from the outfits that Chapman is wearing, this game is obviously trying to craft her into a James Bond girl role. Of course, the one downside to Poker with Anna Chapman is that no real money games will be offered so this puts a damper on the sexy pictures aspect.
Republished with permission from Aintluck.com.
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