Bum Knee Brunson Would be Brutus to. Julius Hellmuth

I played day one of the WSOPE where I could get home if I got knocked out. I made it through and have 93,000 in chips when the average is 45,000. I rested through starting day two and we don't start until 5:30 p.m. today because of a Jewish holiday.
Besides my bad right leg, I've managed to hurt my knee and my hip on my left leg. I hurt all over in this damp cold weather and can't get any relief from the pain. I've seen everything the hotel has to offer by way of movies in the room, been to three movies outside the hotel, been to Leeds Castle, Hever Castle (the childhood home of Anne Boleyn), been to a portrait gallery, and now the only thing I am anxious to see is the Las Vegas skyline as the plane touches down there. Then home to see my lovely wife, my daughter, and my two dogs. Europe is ok, but there is no place like home!
I've always liked Phil Helmuth and have defended his tantrums because that is Phil being Phil, but these grand entrances he makes are too much! He came to my table dressed as Julius Caesar along with trumpets and scantily clad girls. It embarrassed me just being there. I would have liked to applied for the role of Brutus. I am a poker purist and stuff like that detracts too much from what a great game poker is.
In my opinion Harrah's should change the WSOPE venue every year. London is just too expensive for the beginning pros to play. The Empire Casino is where we play now and it needs to be bigger. The tournament would draw many more players if it was in a different European city each year.
I am very sorry to hear Bob Stupak passed. Regardless of his shortcomings, Bob was an important part of Las Vegas history. My condolences to his family.
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