2014 NJSOA - NJLESA Poker Tournament to Benefit Sandy Relief March 7

Hey poker fans, the 2014 NJSOA/NJLESA Poker Tournament, which we at Gambling911.com like to call the Super Storm Sandy Relief Tournament, will be held this coming March 7 at the Tropicana Casino Poker Room in Atlantic City.
Tropicana Casino Poker Room 2831 Boardwalk Atlantic City, NJ 08401 (609) 340-4000
(All participants are encouraged to arrive early. Participants must register for a free Trop Advantage (players) Card in order to enter the tournament)
Tournament Entry Cost: $120 + $5 optional add-on for that will result in an additional $5,000 in bonus add-on starting chips. No other re-buys or add-ons for this tournament. Advance tickets to this event will be sold for $125, and will include the optional $5.00 add-on.
Each registered participant will also receive a $10.00 food credit for use at the Tropicana Seaside Café, and also be eligible for a buy one, get one free buffet. Special room rate: Friday- March, 7 2014: $99 and Saturday March 8, 2014 $149. The rooms available at this special rate are limited and available for participants on a first come, first serve basis. Purchase of advance tickets is encouraged in order to take advantage of the special room rate, in addition to securing a tournament seat.
For Tropicana hotel room reservations call: 1-800-345-8767
The funds from each sold ticket / entry will be distributed as follows: $80 allotted the prize pool for this tournament $20 proceeds to benefit the Hurricane Sandy NJ Relief Fund $20 fee to the Tropicana Casino $5 optional add-on distributed to the tournament poker dealers as a tip/gratuity
For other questions or additional information regarding this event please call (732) 588-NJNJ (6565)
For information regarding the Hurricane Sandy NJ Relief Fund, please Find More Information Here
- Patrick Flanagan, Gambling911.com