Shackleford Odds to Win the Preakness

The Dale Romans trained horse Shackleford odds to win the 2011 Preakness were around 9/1 at heading into race day and these odds are pretty good considering Shackleford led the Derby throughout 90 percent of that race until he tired at the very end, finishing in 4th place.
“I think he is training really well,” Romans said at the Stakes Barn Friday morning. “I think he has improved with every race and we are backing up a sixteenth of a mile (from the Kentucky Derby). The bias at Churchill (Derby Day) was for closers and (Shackleford) still hung in and ran all the way to the wire and only got beat three lengths.”
Romans said he is impressed with Animal Kingdom, but claims he can be beaten. Admittedly, it won’t be an easy task.
“No one is ducking him,” Romans said. “If he runs the same race he ran in the Derby, he is going to be very tough to beat. He is just a big, strong horse and moves over the track very easily. Good horses can do anything. We will see at the end of the year. We might be watching a super horse in the making. Hopefully, we can upset him.”
Animal Kingdom 2/1
Dialed In 4/1
Mucho Macho Man 4.5/1
Shackleford 9/1
Astrology 12/1
Concealed Identity 25/1
Dance City 9/1
King Congie 15/1
Mr Commons 17.5/1
Norman Asbjornson 22.5/1
Sway Away 12.5/1
Flashpoint 15/1
Isn’t He Perfect 25/1
Midnight 12.5/1
- Ean Lamb,