Preakness Stakes 2015 Payouts

The Preakness Stakes 2015 payouts will be rather extraordinary should any of the long shots end up winning.
Outside of the favorite American Pharoah, for which you will need to bet $13 to win $10 (the $13 is refunded only if American Pharoah is to win), all other Preakness Stakes entries this year pay out 4-1 or greater odds.
Dortmund would pay out $40 for every $10 bet.
Firing Line pays $40 for every $10 bet as well.
Mr Z will pay $350 for every $10 bet.
Danzig Moon $170 for every $10 wagered.
Tale of Verve will pay out $510 for every $10 bet.
Bodhisattva pays $460.
Divining Rod pays out $180.
All payout potentials are subject to change based on when bet is placed.
- Don Shapiro,