Tasmanian 'Devil Independent' Wilkie Hates Club Pokies Ad Campaign

G'day punters, gambling and casino millionaires and billionaires, pub owners, politicians, legal eagles...one and all. Clubs Australia and the Australian Hotels Association are just about to launch a campaign that targets the government and their proposed changes relating to poker machines, the one armed bandits you can find in pubs, clubs and hotels across the great land of Australia. Media Man http://www.mediamanint.com and Gambling911 pull the handle on the Cleopatra one armed bandit with this special report. Yep, lovers VS haters... its on for young and old...
Tasmanian independent and anti-gambling poster boy Andrew Wilkie has lashed out at the $20 million advertising campaign which opposes the government's proposed slot machine reforms.
The Australian Hotels Association (AHA) and their friends at Clubs Australia are set to launch a campaign in opposition to a proposed federal scheme which aims to limit problem gambling on pokies. The lobby groups appointed the well respected Banjo Advertising to launch a campaign in April which will run across print, television, radio, outdoor and online. Some social media elements may also be incorporated, and companies such as Media Man Int have let it be know that they are happy to offer some assistance free of charge.
Wilkie, the so called "independent member" for Denison, a very vocal gambling hater, told the press "The pokies industry has armed itself with a war chest almost as large as the one the miners used to see off a Prime Minister and a mining tax. Except this is an industry that has grown fat not from mining ore, but from mining the misery of some of Australia's most vulnerable people.
"Buried in that $20 million disinformation fund are the stories of where the money has come from; kids going hungry, homes being lost, families destroyed, crime and suicide. This is an industry trying to protect the billions (of dollars) problem gamblers lose on poker machines every year.
"Change is coming and the pokies industry needs to understand it can't buy or intimidate its way out of trouble. Too many people will not allow it."
The proposed national reforms, which may see slot machine players using smartcards that impose gambling limits set by the player before they begin gambling, are being pushed by the Gillard government, as it looks to retain the support of Wilkie. Wilkie has demanded that the reforms be introduced through state consensus or national legislation by 2014, and has claimed he will withdraw support from Gillard's minority government if the reforms fall through. A number of other independents are not happy with the deal Wilkie made with Labour and says it goes again the grain of what politics is supposed to be about. They also say Wilkie is bias and has his own agenda, not caring about the thousands of jobs that will be lost, or the lost of community support programs funded the community clubs. The NRL and AFL are also not happy with Wilkie's apposing of pokies and proposed changes to law. A number of media commentators say Wilkie is our of touch with the everyday Australian who like to sink a cold one, watch the footy, and try their luck on the slots or playing a few hands of poker.
Wilkie's support was one a key element in the formation of a minority government for the Labor Party, and a number of media and gaming commentators also secretly states that Wilkie may also be a bigger part of Labor's downfall, with all political polls saying the Liberal - Nationals coalition would win an election if it were to be held tomorrow. Liberal's are also generally believed to be more technology savvy than Labour, with leader Tony Abbott putting Malcolm Turnbull, multi millionaire technology entrepreneur in charge of the Communications portfolio, which has strong links to the gaming and internet (censorship) and media portfolios.
Various betting agencies that accept wagers on the next election including Betfair, Centrebet, with many Australia's keen to see PartyGaming and Richard Branson's Virgin Games also join in the action. Australians are currently ranked the 7th most passionate gamblers in the world, with experts saying Australia may get to 6th position before year end, with bets on Liberal - Nationals winning the election spiking the quota - how ironic. Life imitates art, or something like that. Where's the (other) 'Tasmanian Devil', David 'Wicked' Walsh, maths and gambling genius when you need him!
Folks, don't leave us for a second as the pokie lovers VS haters war continues.
Readers... er, punters, how did you like our report? How do do you like the campaign? Tell us in the forum.
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If you have a bet, please bet with your head, not over it, and for God's sake, have fun.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man http://www.mediamanint.com is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a dozen sectors covered