Smart Phones and Tablets for Online Sports Betting Reach New Bar Mobilehas reached new heights with 20% of current sports wagering activity now being constructed via smart phones and tablet operating systems. The increase in mobile betting usage is substantial to the degree of +700% growth in that area over the previous year.
These numbers are astonishing and right on pace with mobile wagering increases being reported out of Europe’s publically traded gaming sector. Quoting DSI management, “Mobile and tablet wagering are a now a requisite in terms of extending new and current user product reach and extending member usage capacities.
With these pluses in mind, we will be looking towards the release of more mobile engaging products and applications over the next quarter. The mobile medium allows for users to take their games and wagers with them on the go, and also adds a layer of privacy versus traditional computer usage. Mobile is the future, and that future is now.”
Join today and enjoy the flexibility and utility that Mobile wagering has to offer. DSI Mobile applications can be found at