Magazine Publisher Charged With Internet Gambling Money Laundering, Fraud

Magazine publisher Don Hellinger has been charged – along with six others - with illegally distributed over $40 million in Internet gambling winnings during the years 2005 and 2006 through a money transfer company, Payment Processing, Inc.
The investigation was handled by the United States Attorney’s Office in Philadelphia.
Hellinger’s company is also alleged to have run a telemarketing scam during that time period.
Hellinger and his associates could face up to 91 years in prison if convicted of all crimes.
His company publishes Nylon, Inked, Surface and Tokion Magazines.
Nylon is an American magazine that focuses on pop culture and fashion. Its coverage includes art, beauty, music, design, celebrities, technology and travel. Its name references New York and London. As of press time, Hellinger was still listed as President of the magazine. Circulation is 250,000.
Inked is a magazine of pop culture and music for people that enjoy Tattoo art or have Tattoo designs on their bodies.
ITOKION is an arts and culture magazine that reports from the street level where the creative community lives and thrives.
While these charges are likely to raise eyebrows in the fashion and publishing communities, online gamblers will see zero impact as Hellinger's company has not conducted business in the past 5 years. Hellinger is said to have been a major processor for now defunct BetOnSports, once the largest online sportsbook catering to North American gamblers.
- Jagajeet Chiba,