Party Drug Ketamine Being Studied to Help Cure Gambling Addiction

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Ean Lamb
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For many, Ketamine is a recreational drug that is often described as creating a "dissociative anesthesia", a trance-like state providing pain relief, sedation, and amnesia.

Now we are learning that the University of Exeter has begun to study the drug as a possible aide in helping those with gambling addiction.

The new study will be led by Celia Morgan, an Exeter researcher and professor of psychopharmacology.

“The new research aims to investigate whether ketamine’s influence on human memory can be used to break down the positive reinforcement associated with gambling addictions while also preventing the urge to gamble,“ a statement put out by the researchers reads.

“The study is the first of its kind in the world. Gambling problems devastate lives and we urgently need new treatments," commented Celia Morgan, professor of psychopharmacology with the University of Exeter.

Individuals will go through a screening process and physical testing prior to taking part in the study. The experiment will last for a total of 30 days with participants receiving vouchers as a form of compensation.

Hotline Heating Up in Ohio

Since sports betting became legalized on January 1 in Ohio, that state's gambling hotline is fielding more calls than ever.  

According to Nabil Pervaiz with Recovery Resources, calls to their hotline and statewide through two weeks have already exceeded the number of calls received in the entire month of January last year.

Pervaiz has expressed concerns over accurate staffing requirements to ensure callers receive the proper attention.

As sports gambling is fairly new in Ohio, Pervaiz says that education around the addiction is needed.

- Gilbert Horowitz,

Gambling News
