Bodog Founder Compound and Extravagant Penthouse on The Block

As first reported on last week, Bodog founder Calvin Ayre's luxurious Costa Rica mansion is up for sale - and overrun by squatters. It's not the only Ayre property up for sale we have come to find out. His beautiful Vancouver penthouse condo with its stunning panoramic view of the city has hit the real estate market at $10 million (the condo is two merged into one).
Even with the stagnant housing market, this Yaletown property could be worth the price.
David Baines of the Vancouver Sun reports that the condo is located at 1199 Marinaside Cres., which fronts onto False Creek. It has 5,000 square feet, six-and-a-half baths, private outdoor decks, a 360-degree view, a 25-foot-high living room ceiling, a 1,200-bottle wine cellar, a panic room, three parking spaces, and comes completely furnished. Readers can take a virtual tour of the property at .
Despite the enormous space and amenities, Baines suggest that the asking price may be a little too high.
"The current assessed value is $4.8 million," he reports.
Ayre's Costa Rica compound was initially listed at $6 million, learned last week, but that also includes a second home adjacent to the property. Experts believe the compound will get no more than $2 million, at least during this recent financial downturn.
Christopher Costigan, Publisher