Australian Casino Wars: Mildura Media Wars?

Written by:
Greg Tingle
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Readers er punters, casino billionaires, politicians, media barons, journalists, insiders and everyone else... the casino war battleground with a solid media war component has recently expanded in Australia, now no longer limited to the Crown Casino VS Star City Casino element, with a dash of Aus Vegas debate in Cairns, Victoria's regional Mildura is seeing an all mighty battle for the minds, media headlines, as the Mildura Jewel - for and against campaigners turns up the heat.  Media Man and Gambling911, along with the sniffer dogs, Bluey and Timmy, hit the regional trail with this special report down under...

The latest casino war in the Asia Pacific is happening in Victorian Mildura, but its not Casino VS Casino, its pro casino campaigners VS the anti casino establishment, with media and new media (such as Media Man and Gambling911) being a significant part of the battlefield ala "the art of war".

The bush tucker mob against the Jewel Casino in regional Mildura advise they will continue a media saturation campaign to help ensure residents could make an "informed decision" about the proposal. You know, the good old fashioned community consultation type of thing, but the anti casino mob of course have their view out in the open for all.

Media Man research to date indicates that its a small ish but very vocal swag against the casino, with roughly 85% of the township wanting the neon lights, primed to offer jobs, a tourism boost and sustainable growth prospects, bringing money in to the community, then to be shared in a fair and balanced capacity, with government - council checks and balances.

Sunraysia Against Casinos spokesman Lance Milne said only overwhelming community support for the development would convince the organisation that it was wanted. Milne said in the meantime the organisation would be steadfast in its opposition against a casino in their backyard.

"We initiated a newspaper advertising campaign some weeks ago and we have booked 43 television advertisements to gain feedback and discuss before deciding on our next course of action.We also have plans to  develop a website which will be our main form of communication with the public aside from media outlets. The advertising has been funded through donations from people who attended one of our earlier meetings and wanted to help out. We haven't solicited donations as such, but we now have enough to cover our immediate plans.".

Media Man, Gambling911 and a swag of Australian based media and new media companies are delighted to hear that Sunraysia Against Casinos will be launching their own website and do believe that community consultation and awareness is a sound strategy.

A Media Man spokesperson said "Great to hear about the upcoming Sunraysia Against Casinos website. New media an in particular websites is a perfect way to get awareness both locally, state, nationally and internationally. The internet is a global medium. They will be able to get more feedback from the community, but maybe will get a few detractors and hate mail also. We think that the local council might do well to ramp up their coverage of the proposed casino also, perhaps by launching their own sub-site or website for the subject. That will counteract things are the Mildura casino, media and political wars continue to heat up. Here's to a good, clean fight and may the best campaigner win".

Punters er readers, stay tuned for more on Australian casino wars, and don't forget to check out the Darwin Aus Vegas casino - political wars also, certainly giving Mildura wars a run for their battle, despite one anti casino campaigning calling a proposal "Bazaar"! Oh, Terri Irwin (Mrs Crocodile Hunter) is moving forward her plans for a Viva Croc Vegas - Crocodile A Mania theme park on the Las Vegas Strip as lady luck looks to be smiling for the Crocodile Queen on the jungle. Terri will create 1000s of jobs for Aussies and Yankees. As Australian casino king James Packer could tell you, there's money in and around the casino, gaming and tourism sector when done right. Something Mildura is just starting to grasp like an Aussie grass snake.  Ssssss.

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Wrap Up...

Mildura Jewel Hotel and Casino? Heaven or Hell? Tell us in the forum, and know that your comments will be read by a vast national and international audience, so keep it clean and nasty snakes and crocodiles are not welcome!

*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of sectors they cover. They also offer political commentary and analysis.

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