60 Minutes Sports, New Jersey Online Sports Betting and the Mob (Video)
“60 Minutes Sports” featured a segment asking the question whether legalized online sports betting in the state of New Jersey might actually serve to eradicate the Mob.
Bookmakers and organized crime members have long profited in the high-stakes world of illegal sports gambling, CBS News notes.
New Jersey is currently appealing a decision handed down by a lower court that legalized sports betting in the Garden State should not be permitted. The major professional sports leagues and NCAA filed the suit.
Jack Ford of “60 Minutes Sports” argues that, regardless of what the Supreme Court decides, don’t look for the Mob to pack up and leave the state.
When New Jersey restauranteur Angelo Lutz was asked what impact legalized sports betting might have on the Mob, Lutz offered up this response: "Who cares."
"You want the degenerate gamblers to bet with you. You're not looking for John and Nancy Adams to walk in and order champagne cocktails and pomegranate martinis," he said. "That ain't what you do. That ain't your weed. That ain't where you draw your money from."
- Gilbert Horowitz, Gambling911.com