Early 2012 Possible Super Bowl Lines Now Available

Carrie Stroup here and Sportsbook.com has just released its early 2012 possible Super Bowl lines. These are real lines that can be bet on now based on the various Super Bowl combinations. Be sure to mention CARRIE STROUP when joining to qualify for up to $250 in FREE CASH (based on your initial signup deposit). Note the date of this article is January 17, 2012 and these lines were only available for a limited time only.
Patriots -6.5 49ers
Patriots -4.5 Giants
Ravens -2 49ers
Ravens +1 Giants
Early Super Bowl betting odds are a popular novelty bet offered each year at Sportsbook.com. They’ve been featuring this option since the start of their business in 1997.
- Carrie Stroup, Gambling911.com Senior Reporter