Does Ben Roethlisberger Really Have a ‘Gray’ Penis?

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has violated league policy according to NFL Commish Roger Goodell. The Commissioner's comments follows accusations that Roethlisberger assaulted two women over the past year on two separate occasions. He is also alleged to have acted inappropriately at a Milledgeville, Ga. Bar, "walking around with his penis on display".
"The issue here is with respect to a pattern of behavior and bad judgments," Goodell said on Patrick's radio program. "You do not have to be convicted or even charged of a crime to be able to demonstrate that you've violated a personal conduct policy, and reflect poorly not only on themselves, but all of their teammates, every NFL player in the league and everyone associated with the NFL. And that is what my concern is, and I have expressed that directly to Ben, obviously, and I will be making a decision as soon as I possibly can."
In regard to the Milledgeville, Ga. Bar incident, the Huffington Post reported:
One witness, Ann Marie Lubatti, told investigators that she saw one of Roethlisberger's bodyguards guide the alleged victim to a side door. Lubatti said that she immediately approached another bodyguard and said, "This isn't right. My friend is back there with Ben. She needs to come back right now." Lubatti, who described Roethlisberger as "noticeably intoxicated," said she was rebuffed by the bodyguard, who remarked, "I don't know what you are talking about," according to the below statement.
When Lubatti later spotted her friend, the alleged victim said, "We need to go now." Lubatti said the woman told her that Roethlisberger "walked back to where she was with his penis already out of his pants. She told him that they shouldn't be doing this and that it wasn't right." The woman told Lubatti that Roethlisberger had followed her into the bathroom and shut the door. "She continued to say she didn't want to have sex, but he kept saying, "No, it's OK." Lubatti said that her friend told of having unprotected sex with Roethlisberger. After hearing her friend's account, Lubatti and another woman, Nicole Biancofiore, "walked up to the first cop we saw and told them what happened.this report from Deadspin Sports, which has been covering the Ben Roethlisberger debacle extensively. A woman claimed to have had an up-close-and-personal encounter with Big Ben's "gray penis".
She is walking to the door of the bedroom to go find her friend when Ben emerges from the bathroom naked as the day he was born and at full attention.
She said she was shocked, certainly by the full nude approach, but also because he had a gray penis (this is the part of the story we've laughed at most over the years - such a bizarre detail. We asked so many times what she meant by "gray" and she just said it was gray and almost looked ashy. Amazing). She sort of laughed a little and said she had to leave.
He cursed her out at this point, calling her a tease (the worst crime in Ben's world, apparently) and telling her to get the fuck out. She ran downstairs.
Oh, and the woman also managed to steal one of Roethlisberger's prized jerseys while up in his room.
Tyrone Black,