Coach K Odds Posted: Will He Head To The NBA?

Amidst reports of interest from the Nets, speculation abounds as to where Coach K will end up next year.
It seems that every year Coach Krzyzewsk garners interest from NBA teams and this year is no different. There is one difference however due to the fact that the Nets will be seeing an influx of cash flow thanks to new ownership and that the offer might be pretty hard to turn down. With fans across the country looking for answers, the largest most successful sportsbook on the web, posted odds on what Coach K's decision might be.
Indeed, "Yes" is the long shot, paying $30 for every $10 bet.
"I turned down $5 million to coach the Lakers five years ago," Krzyzewski told Rueters, responding promptly to a voice mail message. "I'm not going anywhere."
Would he turn down - say - $20 million? That remains to be seen.
Analysts at posted the following odds on Coach K's coaching whereabouts:
Odds that Mike Krzyzewski takes an NBA job
Yes 3/1
Sports and Newsworthy odds can be found at: