World Series of Poker Leader Board (Saturday July 12, 2008)

The 2008 World Series of Poker leader board was changing constantly heading into Saturday night's play.
1 Jeremy Joseph 2,187,0000 - to date Joseph has won just over $100,000 during his poker career.
2 Nikolay Losev 2,110,0000
3 Cristian Dragomir 2,065,0000
4 Brandon Cantu 1,981,0000 - Brandon Cantu leads the pack among professional players. Upon winning a World Series of Poker bracelet in 2006, Cantu relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada. On March 14, 2007, Cantu became one of only 27 players to ever win both a World Series of Poker bracelet (2006) and a World Poker Tour championship (2008).
5 Lanini Davor 1,958,0000
6 David Rheem 1,851,0000 - Miami's own has won $616,403 lifetime
7 Andrew Rosskamm 1,764,0000 - Nearly 300,000 has been won over this poker player's career.
8 James McManus 1,761,0000 -
9 Geoffrey Herzog 1,695,0000
10 Albert Kim 1,688,0000
11 Mark Ketteringham1,600,0000 - Ketteringham has won over $250,000 life time.
12 Shahram "Shawn" Sheikhan 1,516,0000 - Over a million in winnings life time, Sheikhan needs no introduction. This guy takes the cake and eats it too...and God only knows what else. Read more....
13 Phi Nguyen 1,500,0000 - Nguyen has over a million in winnings during his poker career.
14 Felix Osterland 1,491,0000
15 Darius Suharto 1,428,0000
16 Paul Snead 1,411,0000
17 Nicholas Sliwinski 1,408,0000
18 Alex Outhred 1,377,0000 - Over $200,000 in poker winnings through his tournament career.
19 Mark Vos 1,373,0000 - also known as 'pokerbok', is a young professional poker player from Australia. Vos was born in Cape Town, South Africa, and attended Waldorf High School in Constantia. He excelled at mathematics olympiads while in high school, and represented his province in the interprovincial olympiad. Vos permanently deferred his actuarial studies at Macquarie University, to play poker full time. He is up just over $1 mil life time, which in reality is just the last two years.
20 David Benefield 1,372,0000