Review – Affiliate Referral Program Could be Groundbreaking

Written by:
Aaron Goldstein
Published on:
Jan/26/2015 Review – Affiliate Referral Program Could be Groundbreaking has your review with the pros and cons appearing below.  We also take a close look at their affiliate referral program called 6 Degrees of Play.  The site can be found here.

First off, it appears as if there is plenty of financial backing behind this company as they have wasted little time in putting together a group of current big name athletes as celebrity endorsers, including the likes of Drew Brees. is still extremely new and was still in Beta testing at the time this was being written.  A lobby view of their games Sunday showed minimal activity, which is to be expected this early in the game. is geared heavily towards mobile play.  The site does maintain a decent social media presence, at least early on.

NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL offered at this time.

Affiliate Referral Program

6 Degrees of Separation is a unique concept that works like this: You refer a friend and they play at, you receive a commission off of that friend.  Here is where it gets good: will then pay you for the players they refer and so on 5 times removed.  If your friend is a buddy of some guy with 100 friends, this is where it can get very good.

Below (at the bottom of this review) you will find the payout tier but it starts off at 10% and ends at 30%.

See the video here below to learn more…

Guaranteed Tournaments

A guaranteed contest will run regardless of the number of players or lineups that are registered. The published payouts will be paid regardless. Hint, if you see a guaranteed contest that isn't close to full around game time consider entering another lineup or 2.

Pros: Well thought out affiliate referral program that promises lucrative payouts to said affiliates while building a player pool through word of mouth with contests paying deeper than most other similar sites.  Daily games.  Site appears to have big money backing with top current professional athlete endorsers.  Very clean looking site and easy to get around and figure out.  Filtering tools to help find the most compatible contest.  Choose your own contest and allow in who you want.  Excellent tutorials.  Guaranteed tournaments pay published prize regardless of how many people enter.  Solid mobile interface.  

Cons: Commissions on the affiliate referral program may not be immediately appealing to casino and sports betting affiliates who are used to dealing with larger percentages through initial referrals.  Easy to have 3rd segment referrals get lost along the way and tracking this early is not yet tested due to just starting out.  Low volume of players this early in the game with small prize pools.  

6 Degrees of Pay Commissions payout Tiers


Personally referred players.


of 6 Degrees of Pay Commissions


Players referred by your 1st Degree.


of 6 Degrees of Pay Commissions


Players referred by your 2nd Degree.


of 6 Degrees of Pay Commissions


Players referred by your 3rd Degree.


of 6 Degrees of Pay Commissions


Players referred by your 4th Degree.


of 6 Degrees of Pay Commissions


Players referred by your 5th Degree.


of 6 Degrees of Pay Commissions


Scoring MLB:

Hitters accumulate points as follows:


3 points for each single they hit


5 points for each double they hit


8 points for each triple they hit

Home Run

10 points for each Home Run they hit

Run Batted In

2 points for each RBI


2 points for each run they score

Base on Balls

2 points for each time they are walked

Hit By Pitch

2 points for each time they are hit by a pitch

Stolen Base

5 points for each stolen base

Caught Stealing

-2 points each time they are caught stealing

Pitchers accumulate points as follows:

Inning Pitched

2.25 points for each complete inning pitched (0.75 points for each 1/3 inning pitched)

Strike Out

2 points for each strikeout they throw


4 points for each win

Earned Run Allowed

-2 points for each earned run allowed

Hit Against

-0.6 points for each hit they give up

Base on Balls Against

-0.6 points each time they walk a batter

Hit Batsman

-0.6 points each time they hit a batter

Complete Game

2.5 points for each complete game they pitch

Complete Game Shut-Out

2.5 points for each complete game they pitch AND shut out the opponent

No Hitter

10 points for each no hitter thrown


Scoring NBA:


Scoring for NBA games is below

Point Scored

1 point for each point scored

3-Point Basket

0.5 bonus points for each 3 point shot made


1.50 points for each assist


1.25 points for each rebound


2.00 points for each steal


2.00 points for each blocked shot


- 0.5 points for each turnover


1.50 bonus points for a Double-Double*


3.00 bonus points for a Triple-Double*

* A player can have EITHER one double-double or one triple-double bonus in a game

- Aaron Goldstein,

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