Do You Support The Aussie Internet Filter?

Readers, censorship and internet censorship continues to threaten your civil liberties. Big Brother and The Thought Police continue to battle for your mind and control. In the spirit of freedom of the press and freedom of speech we bring you yet another filter free report on the Australian censorship debate. Casino billionaires, politicians, media barons, journalists, insiders and everyone else... we know your watching so opt into to the discussion (and please do not opt in to anything illegal). Media Man and Gambling911 caffeine free report...
You've heard a lot about censorship and internet censorship on the pages of Media Man and Gambling911. Here's another chance to help get your voice heard, taking a few pages out of the PPA (Poker Players Alliance).
In a valiant attempt to gauge the genuine level of support for or against Sen. Conroy's Internet Filter proposal, a bush tucker swag of Australian I.T media outlets are supporting a combined survey.
There are a large number of Aussie I.T news media outlets that have expressed varying levels of disapproval for the Internet Filter proposal. Media Man and Gambling911 encourage open discussion and have covered the pros and cons for a number of years now. For the record, we do not condone or participate in kiddy porn or illegal pornography. We're media and internet portal companies and we suspect that most of the bright readership would be award of this.
With such massive condemnation and accompanying disapproval from the combined reader base it would seem that there is a strong groundswell to dump the filter.
About 90% of Australian's do not want the internet filter, according to stats from a range of surveys including Fairfax Media and Murdoch's The Daily Telegraph.
How large are the numbers of punters against it? Are the thousands of detractors on one media site the same thousands of detractors on another?
To help answer this question, a combined effort amongst numerous information technology firms has established a simple survey which has the ability to reject multiple votes. We will be able to get an indication of the total number of people opposed to the filter. Yes We Can!
Note, as with any questionnaire with self-selected participants, no conclusion can be drawn as to the relative proportions of supporters and detractors for the question; however, the actual numbers of nay-sayers can be significant.
Please, visit the link and vote; the question is so simple folks..."Would you vote for a political party that supports the internet filter?"
Stay tuned for more updates.
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Wrap Up...
There you go. That wasn't so hard to click the mouse to vote was it. Enjoy your web surfing, ideally and likely internet filter free (unless your behind the Great Firewall Of China). Have fun and keep it legal (proxy or no proxy).
*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of sectors they cover. They also offer political commentary and analysis.